Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

This Privacy Policy applies to the collection of personal information by or on behalf of

This document sets out the ways in which collects, stores, uses and discloses personal information collected from listeners, donors and sponsors, and has been created in accordance with Australian Privacy Principles AAPs 1.3 and 1.4.

1.1: On some occasions we may conduct a promotion or other activity which has its own specific privacy policy. In this case, notice of that policy will be provided at the time any personal information is sought and that policy will apply to that promotion or activity and will override this policy to the extent of any inconsistency. In all other cases, the terms of this privacy policy prevail and by interacting with us, you agree to be bound by these terms.

1.2: is committed to the protection of your personal information and meeting the standards set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“the Act”) and the Australian Privacy Principles (“AAPs”). This policy sets out how we handle your personal information and the rights and obligations that we both have in relation to that information.

2. Collection of Information

2.1  Why We Collect Personal Information collects personal information for a number of purposes, including, but not limited to: the administration of competitions, maintenance of a register of members, circulation of newsletters, and organisation of donations and sponsorships. We may use your personal information to contact you in furtherance of any of these purposes. Note that in the case of competitions and promotions, failure to provide the requested personal information may forfeit your right to redeem a Prize.

2.2 How We Collect Personal Information

We primarily collect personal information directly from you through written, electronic and/or verbal means of communication when you interact with us in any of the following ways: through subscribing as a member; donating; entering a competition or promotion; signing up to our newsletter and entering into a sponsorship arrangement with

We collect anonymous data about visits to our website, like the number and frequency of visitors, the most popular pages and general traffic patterns. This is mainly aggregated statistical data and does not allow us to identify users. We also have access to statistical information related to our social media pages (e.g. Facebook). (Note: We may have access to some personal information of our social media visitors based on their security settings in the social media platform, based on its privacy policy.)

3. Use & Disclosure

3.1 Competitions and Promotions

By submitting your personal information to us when you enter a competition, you consent to us using your personal information to facilitate the running of and your participation in competitions. You also consent to your name, character, likeness or voice, the contents of your entry and with your prior permission telephone conversations with being broadcast on air in accordance with clause 13 of our competition terms and conditions.

3.2: Where a competition is being run in conjunction with a third party, such as a station sponsor, your personal information may be passed on to that third party to enable them to contact you regarding their business and promotions. You consent to your personal information being used in this way unless you opt out when lodging your entry to the competition. These third parties do not have permission to use, sell or transfer personal information, other than for contacting you in connection with the Competition.

3.3: To better protect your privacy, we impose strict requirements of security and confidentiality on all third parties as to how they handle your personal information. Notwithstanding this, we cannot be held responsible for any misuse or unauthorised disclosure of your personal information by these third parties.

3.4 Members

Members’ personal details are filed securely within an encrypted Database. The members’ register includes these personal details, and is made available to all other Members.

Newsletter Contacts

If you elect to receive fbiradio ’s newsletter, we will use your personal details to ensure that you receive this correspondence. Your personal details will be stored privately on a secure computer system, and this information will not be disclosed to third parties.

3.6 Donors

Donors’ personal details are stored in a secure encrypted and firewall protected computer database. Where donors have elected to have funds transferred via direct debit, these details are filed within a secured/firewalled and encrypted database (compliant to PCI white paper recommendations).

3.7 Sponsors

Sponsors’ personal and business information is stored in a secure encrypted and firewall protected computer database. Financial information, such as direct debit details are also stored securely as above. Non-financial personal and business information will be used for direct marketing purposes, including correspondence regarding sponsorship.

3.8: Other circumstances where disclosure is permitted or required by law Australian Privacy Principles AAP 6.2 also enables to use or disclose personal information in specific prescribed circumstances.  For example, circumstances such as to assist enforcement activities by or on behalf of an authorised enforcement body.

3.9: We will not disclose your personal information to any recipients located Overseas.

4. Data Quality

We take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete and up-to-date. If personal information is incorrect or changes, please contact us so that we can update your personal information; this will enable us to contact you if required for any reason. Please note that if we are unable to contact you regarding a competition, your claim to any prize may be forfeited, subject to the terms of clause 17 of our competition terms and conditions.

5. Data Security

Personal information will be stored in a secure encrypted and firewall protected computer database. We have taken all possible precautions to ensure that your personal information is protected from misuse, loss and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. (to PCI compliance – PCI DSS). Once we no longer require your personal information, we take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify your personal information.

6. Openness

If you have any questions whatsoever regarding our handling of your personal information, or if you require further information regarding the kind of personal information we hold about you, please contact us using the details below and we will endeavour to assist you with your request.

7. Access & Correction

You generally have the right to access your personal information and we will provide you with a copy of any personal information we hold on request. The Australian Privacy Principles AAP 12.3 set out some circumstances in which we are not required to provide you with such access. If you ask for your personal information in any of those circumstances, we may, if reasonable, agree with you on an intermediary which would allow sufficient access to your personal information to meet your needs. AAP 13 provides that you may request that your personal information be corrected by us.

8. Anonymity

AAP 2 provides that where practical, you may deal with us on an anonymous basis or by using a pseudonym. However, please note that this may make it difficult or impossible for us to provide you with information or services which you seek. If you are a competition or promotion winner and is unable to contact you, you may forfeit your rights to any prizes.

9. Modification reserves the right to modify this privacy policy at any time at its sole discretion. Any updates or modifications will be added to this document.

10. Contact Us

If you have any queries about this Privacy Policy, please contact at

11. Complaints

You can make a complaint about the way we have managed your personal information to The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner – see