Backchat / Trans healthcare scrapped, local council drama, and the rise of right wing anti-Semitism

Aired on 01.02.25, 9:00am

Hosted by Dani Zhang and Holly Payne.

Producers: Sana Shaikh, Jaspar McCahon-Boersma, Bec Cushway

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International news wrap
Jaspar McCahon-Boersma with the update on international headlines that affect you
Stay Healthy
Hold My Dress Down
Local council dramaaaaaaa
Nothing gets Backchat going like local council tea, and this story has it all - broken promises, finger pointing and a four-hour town hall. Producer, Holly Payne.
Tracing thru Sand
Pause on gender-affirming care for trans youth
How would you feel if the government told you what medical care you were allowed and not allowed to have? This may sound like something out of Trump’s America - but it's not. It’s the reality here in Australia, for hundreds of Aussie kids who have gender dysphoria. Guest: Necho Brocchi (she/her) service delivery manager at Open Doors Youth Service. Producer: Sana Shaikh
Gift Exchange
What does the rise in anti-Semitism tell us about right-wing extremism here in Eora?
Guest: Jordy Silverstein from the Loud Jews Collective. Producer: Bec Cushway.
What on Earth is going on with the Hottest 100?!
This year, the countdown has been criticised for its record low number of Australian artists making the final 100. 17 Aussie artists and a total of 29 songs. Guest: Ian McCarthy, musician, producer, broadcaster. Producer: Bec Cushway.