Mi Gente / Interview with Natalie Estay Valenzuela

Natalie Estay Valenzuela sits crossed legged on a bed covered in a fleece blanket decorated with roses.
Aired on 09.03.25, 2:00pm

Natalie Estay Valenzuela is a first-generation Chilean multidisciplinary artist raised in Boorloo and currently living on Gadigal land. Her practice explores dichotomous identity and cultural memory through textiles, design, photography and paper works. Inspired by her Latinx heritage, Natalie’s bold prints, handmade fashion, and cultural collages are crafted with a mindful, sustainable approach across education and community arts platforms.

Vanessa chats to Natalie about her art, inspirations and what it means to be a latinx artist in so called Australia. She also shares the tracks that have soundtracked her life so far.


Cultura Guide

Inbraza Funk Parade Tour || March 23d || club 77 || Tickets available at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/funk-parade-tour-sydney-tickets-1085724604519?aff=ebdsoporgprofile

JUPiTA: iO || April 10th || The Vanguard || Tickets available at https://www.moshtix.com.au/v2/event/jupita-io/177789

¡Que Funny! – the first-ever Latin Australian comedy show at Sydney Comedy Festival || May 2nd || Q Theatre, Penrith || Tickets available at https://www.sydneycomedyfest.com.au/event/que-funny/

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