Surfacing with Luke M de Zilva

Aired on 24.09.24, 11:00pm

IG: @lukemdezilva

Surfacing is dedicated to left-field songwriters and composers, and highlights local and international artists exploring new and interesting musical territories. 

This week's playlist theme is 'Essentials'. It’s music that doesn’t really rely on a tremendous use of effects and really high-end production for it to fill space and become a completely consuming listening experience. Rather, it's music that is quite stripped back to its foundational elements that manages to be really expansive, full and enveloping because of the unique ways that these musicians write and perform.

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Photo by Victoria Ngu

More Episodes


Alan Licht
Josephine Foster
Birthday Song for the Dead
Good Fool (Acoustic)
Jason Molina
The Harvest Law
Sarah Mary Chadwick
Looked Just Like Jesus – Live
Mount Trout
Dan’s Bar
Andy Moor & Marta Warelis
Highway Trajectory
Zoltan Fecso
some drama
Galaxie 500
Decomposing Trees
Joseph Franklin
sowing seeds of something else coming to pass
Darcy Baylis
A dazzling array of images (in which we can see whatever we wish to see)
Chris Abrahams, Oren Ambarchi & Robbie Avenaim
Placelessness 2.2
Sarah Davachi
Irena And Vojtech Havlovi
On The Wind Softly (feat. Jan Katolan & Petr Korbelar)