The live experience has always been as important to Genesis Owusu as his recorded material. No two shows are the same experience. Whether it's a crowded front bar mosh, an avant-garde jazz recital, or a (literally) floor shaking, full band superstar show, each space and crowd is carefully considered, each show curated for maximum creativity.
For his headline show for AGNSW Volume festival, Genesis Owusu harnessed the strange, otherworldly space of The Tank to it's fullest extent. The cavenous, pillar dotted, underground room has an incredible reverb- music, sound, even conversations not only echo, but seem to hang eerily in the air for minutes after they first are expressed.
Fittingly for Genesis Owusu, this was not just a challenge but an opportunity. Music from his back catalogue was stripped back: detroit-techno like drum machines, sultry synths and the wizardry of Jonti's guitar accompanied a totally reimaged Genesis Owusu performance. Oh, and the set was bookended by a performance from Mongolian throat singer Bukhu.
It was a one of a kind, special and unforgettable experience, from an artist undoubtedly all of those things himself.
Recorded by Brad Hasiuk
Mixed and mastered by Harvey O'Sullivan
The Live Feed is made possible thanks to the support of Young Henrys.